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Writer's pictureMegumi Eda

We finally met Mr.Tetsuo Nagata

Updated: Jan 25, 2020

{日本語は、下にあります} It was a magical moment and I felt grateful for my life to watch my husband Nathan Buck jamming with Tetsuo Nagata who shot the movie “La Vie en rose” etc.. (Cesar award for) at his apartment in Paris. Tetsuo san and my mom ware playmates back in the early 50s. My grandpa, 譲治 and Tetsuo san’s father were both doctors and they built a hospital together which is now one of Nagano’s largest hospitals called “Hokushin 北信病院 “. I somehow can not stop imagining how my mom as a little child and Tetsuo san were playing together in the hospital backyard in those postwar times in the early 50’s and they haven’t been in touch at least a good 50 years. I contacted him early last year because I wanted Tetsuo san to shoot Nathan’s first feature film,"Before El fina" although Nathan and I both knew this would be too like a dream. And I also thought it would be a good excuse for my mom to get in touch with him again. And they did! Tetsuo san read Nathan’s script and he liked it and he said “This is a very good MENTAL drama!” He was going to do it if there was no conflict with a big Chinese film he was contracted to shoot at the same time. But he and his wife Eliane cared about us and asked us several times how the production was going while the film was developing. (Happily, we got very lucky with finding DPMilton Kam who shot beautiful footage for us.) Yesterday, he kept telling me I look like a young Midori chan (my mom) with his grin though when they were playing together, they were much much younger than me now, but... And he said he was happy to see me and my kids speaking in Japanese.

Those are the rich experiences and I value them most in life.

We also had a great time spending the New Years Eve with my old friend from the Hamburg Ballet days, Antonio Interlandi and his friends.

This was how we started 2020 in Paris. Not bad.

Happy new year everyone!

夫のNathan とパリ在住のカメラマンの永田鉄男さんが、ギターを弾いて楽しんでいる様子をキャッチ。 永田さんと私の母は、幼馴染み。私のおじいちゃん朶譲治と哲夫さんのお父様は、長野の「北信病院」の創立者で(正確に言うと、おじいちゃんが院長で、永田先生は副院長) いつも病棟の裏庭で、叔母達も含め遊んでいたそうです。 そして少なくとも半世紀は連絡を取り合っていませんでした。 私は昨年初めに、恐れながらNathan の長編映画の撮影をお願いする為に、彼に連絡をしてみました。 思いもかけず永田さんは、台本をお読みになり、しかも気に入ってくださり「これは非常に良いメンタルドラマです!できるだけ力になりたい」とおっしゃってくださいました。結局、長期契約の中国映画の撮影と重なってしまい撮影参加は無理となってしまいましたが、その後も、彼と妻のElianeさんは私達のことを、とても気にかけてくださり、何度か、映画作りがどの様に進んでいるか心配して連絡を下さいました。

昨日、2020年の元旦パリにある永田家にお邪魔しました。私が子供達と日本語で接しているのをみて、私の母の若い頃を思い出すと、なんだか懐かしそうでした。(でも2人が、遊んでいた時は、今の私よりもかなり若い時ですが…。それは良いとして) これを機会に、私の母と永田さんは、連絡を取り始めました。




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